المجلس الوزاري للإقتصاد يوافق على طلب وزارة الزراعة بمنع استيراد الذرة الصفراء العلفية المتحدث باسم الحكومة:العام الحالي والقادم سيشهد تحركا لمشاريع مهمة وتمس حياة المواطن وزير الداخلية يشيد بالتعاون المشترك بين وزارتي الداخلية العراقية ونظيرتها السعودية الذي أثمر عن توقيع اتفاقية أمنية وزير النقل يناقش مع نظيره السعودي سبل تطوير قطاع النقل بين البلدين الشقيقين السلطات الثلاث توافق على اجراء الانتخابات الرئاسية بايران في 28 حزيران المقبل ارتفاع عدد ضحايا العدوان الصهيوني على قطاع غزة إلى 35562 شهيدا و79652 جريحا مجلس إدارة صندوق العراق للتنمية برئاسة السوداني يقر خطوات توطين الصناعات وجذب الاستثمارات الأجنبية المالكي يعزي بوفاة رئيسي ووزير خارجيته ورفاقهم بتحطم مروحيتهم النزاهة: أوامر قبض واستقدام بحق (12) موظفاً بدائرة صحة ديالى السوداني يترأس الاجتماع الثالث لمجلس إدارة صندوق العراق للتنمية البرلمان يعقد جلسة الاربعاء دون فقرة "اختيار الرئيس" الصدر يعزي بوفاة الرئيس الايراني ورفاقه المجلس الاعلى للشباب يوافق على اطلاق المسابقة الوطنية لريادة الاعمال الشيخ الخزعلي يعزي بوفاة الرئيس الايراني ووزير خارجيته ومرافقيهما القاضي زيدان يعزي الجمهورية الاسلامية الايرانية بوفاة رئيسي وعبد اللهيان ورفاقهما الحكومة العراقية تعلن الحداد العام لمدة يوم واحد مكتب السيستاني يعزي ايران بوفاة رئيسي و مرافقيه الخارجية : العراق يقف الى جانب ايران في هذا الوقت العصيب والمصاب الجلل بفقدان قادتها المصرف العراقي للتجارة يقدم تسهيلات للقطاعين الصحي والدوائي بعمليات التحويل الخارجي رئيس الجمهورية يؤكد اهمية دور القضاة في تعزيز هيبة الدولة وخدمة العدالة وانفاذ سلطة القانون
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An international report confirms that North Korea continues to develop its nuclear program

An international report confirms that North Korea continues to develop its nuclear program

Baghdad (NINA) - A global report confirmed the continuation of horrific human rights violations in North Korea while continuing to develop its nuclear program.

The report stated: The International Community was deeply concerned about human rights violations in North Korea and established the United Nations Commission of Inquiry in 2013. The International Commission of Inquiry assessed the serious human rights violations committed by North Korea. Crimes in Korea are committed systematically and on a large scale in six areas, including violation of freedom of thought, expression and religion, discrimination, violation of freedom of residence and movement, and the right to food, arbitrary detention, torture, execution, political prison camps, kidnapping and enforced disappearance. However, the human rights situation in North Korea has not improved at all.

It explained that the 2023 White Paper on Human Rights in North Korea, which the South Korean government published for the first time publicly based on the testimonies of 508 North Korean defectors between 2017 and 2022, officially confirmed that arbitrary deprivation of life and gross human rights violations by public authority continue to exist. For example, summary executions and public executions in detention facilities in border areas, sexual violence and forced abortions against women forcibly repatriated after defecting from North Korea, and even the arrest and detention of children under the age of 17 for watching South Korean videos are prevalent, thus it could be an opportunity to create new momentum in light of this background.

It pointed out that the official meeting of the United Nations Security Council on human rights in North Korea in the middle of last month, which resumed for the first time in six years since 2017, was very meaningful, and is expected to be an important opportunity to create new momentum in future discussions on improving human rights in North Korea, for reasons including a change in the positions of China and Russia. The two countries considered the human rights issue in North Korea to be a political issue and opposed holding the meeting four times in a row from 2014 to 2017. However, this year, since there was no official opposition in either country, an open discussion was held immediately without a vote. Procedurally, the reasons may be many, but from the analysis, China and Russia knew in advance that the number of countries that would stand by them would be greatly reduced. In fact, 52 member states, including the European Union, participated in the press conference for the joint declaration that it announced. The United States expressed its solidarity.

The report pointed out that human rights violations and nuclear development: two sides of the same coin. The reason behind the seriousness of the human rights issue in North Korea and its need for special attention is that it cannot be separated from the North Korean nuclear issue, which threatens international peace.

In this regard, the Korean Ambassador to the United Nations, Hwang Joon-gook, asserts that “the issues of human rights and weapons of mass destruction are intertwined in very real ways. The focus on weapons of mass destruction at the expense of the well-being of its people through this diversion of resources is only possible in a country where all political opposition.”

Despite the increasing number of deaths due to malnutrition, disease and lack of medical services due to the prolonged border blockade due to the Corona virus, Kim Jong-un's regime officially announced the acceleration of nuclear missile development and the pre-emptive use of tactical nuclear weapons in the region.

The report pointed out that North Korea conducted up to 42 missile launches in 2022 alone, meaning that North Korea launches missiles every 9 to 10 days. In addition, it was reported that all technical preparations related to the seventh nuclear test have been completed, and there is nothing left to do. Just make a political decision.

The report indicated that North Korean workers abroad, who are forced to work more than 16 hours a day, must pay more than 70% of their wages to the authorities. They are also subject to surveillance and control by North Korean supervisors throughout their daily lives, and cannot receive proper treatment even if they do so. They were injured.

It continued: Since Kim Jong Un took power in 2012, the number of workers abroad has increased rapidly, and as of 2018, North Korea sends more than 100,000 workers to 40 countries around the world, most of them China and Russia, and earns hundreds of millions of dollars in foreign currency annually, the path to a “normal state” is still open.

The report questioned how long it would be possible to suppress the desires of North Korea's younger generation, the so-called "Jangmadang (market) generation, which has weak faith in the legitimacy of hereditary succession to the new generation." The Baekdu dynasty and the Juche ideology, as the fall of a dictator begins from within, not from external aggression, and that even the nuclear weapons in which he fanatically believes cannot prevent him./End

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الثلاثاء 21 , أيار 2024

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الصحف تهتم بتوقيع عقد مشروع مصفى الفاو والعمل على تحقيق الاكتفاء الذاتي من الطاقة

بغداد / نينا / اهتمت الصحف الصادرة في بغداد اليوم الخميس ، السادس عشر من ايار ، بتوقيع عقد مصفى الفاو الاستثماري والعمل على تحقيق الاكتفاء الذاتي من الطاقة . صحيفة / الزوراء / التي تصدر عن نقابة الصحفيين العراقيين تابعت توقيع عقد مشروع مصفى الفاو . واشارت الى ان رئيس مجلس الوزراء محمد ش