In a statement, DMC said, "During the past few months, it has monitored the presence of dozens of Telegram channels dedicated to developing fraudulent technologies and electronic extortion, as well as leaking thousands of data of Iraqi users, security and government agencies."
According to the statement, the center monitored the presence of other channels specialized in blackmailing Iraqi girls after hacking their accounts, and then threatening to publish private photos through other channels, which caused the killing of some girls and defamed dozens of Iraqi families.
The center confirmed, "The Telegram platform constantly ignores requests to delete the violating channels, and the cooperation was weak from the platform's technical support, despite the dozens of reports it receives about the observed criminal violations."
It pointed out, "The lack of response and cooperation with reports that monitor criminal activities is a phenomenon that characterized the Telegram platform, unlike other digital platforms such as Facebook and WhatsApp, which cooperate with interest with reports related to illegal activities and are removed at a rapid pace."
The center added that the “failure” of the Telegram platform and its delay in providing technical support and responding to public notifications in Iraq made it easier for criminal groups to announce and promote their various activities, and these organizational gaps contributed to the development and acceleration of digital crime skills in Iraq.
The Digital Media Center, DMC, called on the Telegram platform to quickly change its policy and warn it of the consequences of continuing non-cooperation with users in their communications against violating channels that violate local and international standards and laws. / End
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